The Beauty


Published: June 12, 2023

When it comes to products that have been grown, any environmentalist knows how important it is to choose organic whenever possible. On the other hand, the value of choosing organic alternatives when purchasing bee products, especially beeswax, may not be as well-known as it should be. Beeswax is a natural wax produced by bees. It is the strong foundation of the hive and serves a purpose as the natural infrastructure of the bee colonies. Additionally, beeswax is one of the most effectivemoisturizers nature has to offer.

No wonder our experienced developers have incorporated organic beeswax into some of our products, thus turning them into a Beegan product, which means “fully vegan” + organic beeswax (looking at you, I-Waken Eye Serum and Nourishing Lip Tint ). Beeswax is known for its nourishing and protective properties. But before dwelling on this component, in typical Indy Lee fashion, we did a lot of research on beeswax and discovered some serious truths about the importance of choosing certified organic beeswax in particular. This was before we committed to using this ingredient.

What are the main components of organic beekeeping?

The art of beekeeping involves the maintenance of bee colonies, which usually takes place in hives built by people. Wild bees are able to make a home for themselves in almost an empty place; however, beekeepers tend to grow hives that can be carefully manipulated in order to maintain the hive healthy. To meet the production needs of beekeepers such as the collection of honey and other by-products of beekeeping, it is necessary to create uniform combs so that they can be easily transferred from one hive to another without damaging them. This is part of the effort to support these needs. Bees are recognized as important to the well-being of the environment due to the leading role they play as pollinators, despite being on the verge of extinction for a significant period of time. Because of this, beekeepers, who are responsible for providing and protecting bee habitat, have become the unsung heroes of the modern bee population. The industry of beekeeping still faces many challenges, including pests, diseases, pollution, and climate change, despite the environmentalist heroism that is commonly associated with beekeeping. The good news is that despite this, there are still certain hives that have been successfully used to raise bees without the use of antibiotics or chemicals. This is where USDA-certified organic beeswax comes into play. Organic beekeeping, which is both an art and a science, has proven itself to be the best practice, and only a select few beekeepers have been able to perfect it. This is because organic beekeepers are better at preserving the integrity of the ingredients. To receive organic certification from the USDA denotes that the raw beehive by-products, such as our main ingredient beeswax, have been processed without the use of any harmful agents that could alter the properties of the original ingredient.In other words, the use of organic beeswax ensures that the purity of the ingredient is kept at the highest possible level.

The procedure for obtaining organic certification is not easy. Audits are carried out at every stage, from the hive to the harvest and processing of ingredients (beeswax, honey, etc.), to ensure the highest possible level of ingredient purity and to prevent any harmful hive practices. In addition, there are strickt regulations that stipulate that bee food, also known as farms and agriculture in the vicinity of the colony, must also be organic in order to take into account the bees’ flight radius. Smaller suppliers are less likely to be able to demonstrate the supply chain or financial stability necessary to have enough acreage under USDA organic certified feedstock because the organic certification process is rigorous and ongoing. Because of these stringent requirements, there are only a limited number of companies that supply organic beeswax. Organic beekeeping is the best practice to reduce the risk of contamination or damage, which is great news for people who, like us, are passionate about the environment. The strict regulations and consistent auditing help to ensure that organic beekeeping is the best practice. In addition, choosing beeswax that is certified organic is a sure-fire way to show support for ethical practices that are beneficial for bees’ health and habitat.

The question is, what is it about organic beeswax that makes it so desirable? Organic beeswax is known as one of the most luxurious natural moisturizers because it prevents moisture loss and also creates a barrier that allows air to pass through it. Because of its dual properties as a natural emollient and a rich texturizing agent, it is an ideal component for formulations that we have developed to hydrate and smooth the skin. Our Beegan formulas are silky, protective, and nourishing. With their quality and effectiveness, they are the perfect extension of our commitment to using only the highest quality ingredients and being as sustainable as possible.